Use Wokie and Reduce Your Operational Cost!

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Wokie doesn’t expect you to be a pro cook and doesn’t demand your 100 percent attention. Add up to 100 custom recipes; when ready to cook, pick the right recipe from the list along with the appropriate portion size, prepare ingredients as per the recipe, Start and follow instructions. Let wokie do its magic. Packing cutting-edge features, this one isn’t just smart in the name. It tells you when to do what and help you replicate the world-class dish your head chef has developed.

Benefits Of Wokie

Add 50 Preloaded Recipes to Your Menu.


Enable Your Existing Chef to Offer Chinese Food Too.


Pull of the Precision Flavors of Wok Cuisine.


Easy to Use, Easy to Maintain.


Want to Try Wokie for your kitchen?
We are just a call away!

Salient Features of Wokie!

Assisted Cooking

Wokie tells you what to add, when to add, how much to add
maintaining speed and temperature of drum as per set recipe

Save Labour
One operator can operate 2-3 machines at a time, saving labor and space.


Automated Heat Control

No need to worry about manually heat checking; an accurate heat control system of Wokie is there to rescue